

Route: Wengen to Wengernalp

Area: Lauterbrunnental, Switzerland

Date of walk:  14th June 2024

Walkers: Andrew and Gilly

Distance: 4.8 miles

Ascent: 2,100 feet

Weather: Light rain at first, gradually improving

It’s been 5 years since we were last in Switzerland and we’ve been looking forward to returning here ever since. I had several walks planned but thanks to heavy snow last week many of the paths were closed. No matter, as this is a walking paradise with infinite possibilities. Today’s route would take us along the Mendelssohn Trail, which was created based on diary entries made by the composer Felix Mendelssohn. The trail is closed in winter due to the danger of avalanches and ice, but was open today

We set off from Wengen in light rain, following a narrow lane out of the village which took us through meadows and small settlements with occasional views across the Lauterbrunnen valley to its spectacular waterfalls on the other side. The lane gradually petered out, becoming a dirt track and then a footpath as we continued gently uphill. We entered into woodland and there followed a lengthy climb up a zig zagging path until we eventually emerged onto Wengernalp, which is an alpine meadow at an altitude of 1,874m and commands views of the Jungfrau massif. We’d timed our visit to coincide with the meadows and our timing was good – yellow rattle, cranesbill, orchid, bird’s foot trefoil, globe flower and numerous other species were flowering in abundance

We continued to climb, sometimes up narrow paths and sometimes along wide tracks. The route is well waymarked and there’s little or no danger of going astray. The weather began to clear along this section of the route and we had some wonderful views of the Jungfrau and Mönch along the way. Wengernalp came into view above us and we climbed up through the meadows to the railway station, set in an improbable situation, where the train passes through every 30 minutes. Making use of our Jungfrau Travel Pass we caught the next train back to Wengen to end a wonderful walk during the course of which we’d only seen a couple of other walkers

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The view over the Lauterbrunnen Valley from Wengen yesterday, the day of our arrival

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