To search the photos on this site, type a search term into the box and the results will be displayed as thumbnails
The search is against words, phrases, alt text and tags used in photo captions describing my walks, (eg Scafell, waterfall, or red squirrel)
You may also search the tag cloud below. Select a tag to display a thumbnail gallery, and you can then click on the thumbnail to view a larger picture and slideshow, with an option to comment or share
- autumn
- barn
- beach
- beck
- bench
- bird
- bluebell
- boat
- boathouse
- bothy
- bridge
- butterfly
- cairn
- castle
- cattle
- church
- city
- clouds
- coast
- cottage
- dawn
- door
- dry stone wall
- farm
- favourite
- fell
- fields
- flower
- garden
- garden plants
- gate
- herdwick
- house
- hut
- insect
- island
- lake
- mist
- mountain
- mushroom
- panorama
- path
- people
- rainbow
- red squirrel
- reflection
- river
- sea
- sheep
- sign
- sky
- snow
- spring
- spring flowers
- stile
- stream
- street scene
- summit
- sunbeam
- sunset
- tarn
- town
- track
- tree
- valley
- view
- village
- waterfall
- wildflowers
- wildlife
- window
- woodland