Neck Point

Neck Point

Route: Neck Point, Nanaimo

Area: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Date of walk: 30th September 2024

Walkers: Andrew, Gilly, James and Anna

Distance: 2.1 miles

Ascent: 200 feet

Weather: sunny

Our short visit to Vancouver Island ended today, but there was sufficient time to squeeze in a short walk before catching the lunchtime ferry back from Departure Bay Nanaimo to Vancouver and mainland Canada

We drove over to Nanaimo and parked in the car park in Neck Point Park, a popular place with locals. There are numerous criss-crossing paths through the 32 acre park, but we picked out one which took us around most of its circumference, with a couple of there and back diversions along the way

We set off in an anti-clockwise direction, passing by several rocky coves, before making a short diversion to the far point of Neck Point from where there are good views across the sea to the mainland of Canada. This is reputed to be a good spot to watch for orca, sea lions and otters. We didn’t see any of these, but did spot a seal peering out of the sea, wonderful to see but no competition to yesterday’s wildlife sightings. Continuing along the coast, boardwalks and wooden steps provided easy access around otherwise inaccessible rock outcrops. The path occasionally diverted inland through woodland sections

Eventually we met up with our original path and from here retraced our steps back to the start of a very pleasant short amble

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