Romantic Trail, Mannlichen to Alpiglen


Route: Männlichen to Alpiglen

Area: Lauterbrunnental, Switzerland

Date of walk: 16th June 2024

Walkers: Andrew and Gilly

Distance: 6.0 miles

Ascent: 400 feet (and 2,400 feet descent)

Weather: Sunshine and clouds

After yesterday’s poor weather walk, when the surrounding mountains had been covered by cloud, it was good to wake up to clear views of the snow clad mountains from our hotel room. We caught the first cable car from our base in Wengen to the station at Männlichen. Before setting off on the walk to Alpiglen we made a there and back detour to the summit of Männlichen (2342 m), a very easy climb along the ‘Royal Walk‘ which took about 10 minutes. The views from the summit were superb and, thanks to our early start, we had the place to ourselves

We retraced our steps to Männlichen cable car station and set off on the waymarked path to Alpiglen, known as the Romantic Trail. We followed the better known Panorama Trail for a while, to a point where it was closed on account of heavy snow last week. The path to Alpiglen branched off to the left and we followed it downhill. We’d been walking in the clouds at first, with limited visibility, but they gradually parted to reveal some wonderful views, including the Wetterhorn, Rosenhorn and the Eiger

The narrow twisting path descended gently through meadows in the general direction of the Eiger, with new views around every corner. On reaching Arvengarten we turned left to follow another spectacular path, with the North Face of the Eiger towering overhead – a fearsome sight which we enjoyed in complete safety. Eventually we arrived at Alpiglen, where there is a request stop station. From here we caught the Wengernalpbahn cog railway, the longest cog railway in the world. This whisked us up to Kleine Scheidegg, where we took the train back down to Wengen. It had been a fabulous day – one of the very best and I hope that the photos will convey the grandeur of the scenery

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