Route: Lenk to Lauenen
Area: Bernese Oberland, Switzerland
Date of walk: 19th June 2019
Walkers: Andrew and Gilly
Distance: 11.6 miles
Ascent: 3,200 feet
Weather: Sunshine and blue skies, hot
Day 5 of our journey in the Bernese Oberland dawned, and it was time to move on from our overnight base in Lenk (the very comfortable and friendly Hotel Krone). It promised to be another hot day and, since we had a big ascent ahead of us, we packed as much water as we could comfortably carry. Our walk from Lenk to Lauenen would take us up to the Truttlisberg Pass at a height of 6,690 feet before descending to Lauenen in the adjoining valley
We climbed above the village to enter into woodland and followed a steep path up the Wallbach gorge, passing by a spectacular waterfall along the way. Beyond the woodland we entered into Alpine pastures, with ever improving views of the snow covered peaks around us. There was still some lingering snow, and we had to walk across several patches
Eventually we arrived at the Truttlisberg Pass, tired but happy. Looking back we could see the Hahnenmoos Pass, which we’d crossed on yesterday’s walk, about 10 miles away. Beyond that there was a distant view of the snow covered Eiger and Mönch, two of the Swiss giants standing at over 13,000 feet high
Our arrival at the pass brought with it a whole new vista, just as spectacular as the one we’d left behind. We set off on the long descent to Lauenen, initially along a vague and quite rough path through rutted pastures, before emerging onto an easier track which zigzagged down the mountainside. The wild flower meadows along the way were glorious, and enhanced the spectacular mountain scenery
Eventually we arrived at our destination, the village of Lauenen. During the course of our 6 hour journey, through some of the most beautiful landscape imaginable, we hadn’t encountered a single walker
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Another view back, and we can see the Hahnenmoos Pass, which we'd crossed on yesterday's walk, about 10 miles away. In the far distance is The Mönch (13,474 ft)

The Stubleni crags, below the higher mountains, are an alternative route to the pass, but the path was closed due to snow

The Eiger now comes into view in the far distance, to the left of The Mönch. The prominent peak near the centre is Wildstrubel (10,643 ft)

Alpine flowers seen along the way, including crocus flowering in places where the snow had just melted

On the right of the picture, we can just make out the two waterfalls of Tungelschuss and Geltenschuss at the head of the Lauenen Valley...