

Route: Wengen to Lauterbrunnen

Area: Lauterbrunnental, Switzerland

Date of walk:  14th June 2024

Walkers: Andrew and Gilly

Distance: 2.6 miles

Ascent: -1,600 feet

Weather: Intermittent light rain 

After this morning’s walk from Wengen to Wengernalp there remained time for a short afternoon walk, so we decided to head down the valley to the village of Lauterbrunnen on the valley floor. There are various paths leading down to the village and we chose one which we hoped would give us good views along the Lauterbrunnen Valley

We set off from the middle of Wengen, near the railway station and walked along the main street. We turned sharp left to follow a minor road past the church and out of the village. There were wonderful views of the Lauterbrunnen Wall and the spectacular waterfalls which crash down its side. No fewer than 72 waterfalls gush down from the cliff face, the most well known of these being the Staubbach Falls and the Trümmelbach Falls

We crossed the railway line at Wengwald and descended gently away from Lauterbrunnen before turning sharply back towards it to enjoy more views of the waterfalls along the valley. There followed a long and quite steep descent through woodland and meadows until we eventually reached a quiet lane which took us into Lauterbrunnen. From here we took the Wengernalp Railway back to Wengen to complete an enjoyable short walk

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