Jungfrau from Lauberhorn


Route: Lauberhorn from Kleine Scheidegg

Area: Lauterbrunnental, Switzerland

Date of walk:  18th June 2024

Walkers: Andrew and Gilly

Distance: 3.5 miles

Ascent: 1,100 feet 

Weather: Sunny and warm

It was forecast to be a very warm day, so we caught the early morning train out of Wengen to Kleine Scheidegg, set in a spectacular position at the foot of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. We headed north towards Rotstecki and encountered a ‘path closed’ sign. We checked with staff at the nearby restaurant who confirmed that the sign related to the Panorama Trail and not our intended route, which coincided with the former for a short distance. We walked around the sign and soon turned off to start the climb up Lauberhorn (2,472m)

It was easy going at first although a few remaining small snowfields obscured the path and caused us to leave the route from time to time. The path, when we were on it, was fairly vague at times and we needed to navigate carefully. About half way up we enjoyed the sight of a couple of marmots peering out of their burrows. Further up, below the ski lift station, another snowfield barred progress. It was set on a slant and, while there was no danger to life, a slip could have caused danger to limb. We decided to leave the path and made a steep uphill climb directly to the ski lift station, from where we made it to the summit ridge (note that the map page shows our improvised route, when snow is not covering the paths the correct route should be obvious). The ridge is set in a spectacular position, with a fence protecting against the huge sheer drop on the other side. It was a thrill to see a golden eagle glide by, sadly not close enough for a photo. We climbed to a secondary summit at 2,428m and decided t0 give the main summit a miss as this involved a there and back detour

We then set off on the descent, much easier than the ascent as the path was obvious and there were no snowfields to avoid. Eventually we joined up with the Lauberhorn Trail and followed this back to Kleine Scheidegg. The views had been fabulous throughout

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