Crummock Water from Lanthwaite Hill

Lanthwaite Hill

Route: Lanthwaite Hill

Area: Western Lake District

Date of walk: 11th September 2024

Walkers: Andrew 

Distance: 2.5 miles

Ascent: 400 feet

Weather: Mostly sunny, good visibility, windy on the top

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve followed this route. I could probably do it blindfold – which would be pointless as there is beauty to behold every step of the way. It’s a perfect walk if time is limited, as was the case today

I parked as usual in the National Trust car park at Scale Hill. Instead of taking the obvious track ahead, which leads directly to the north shore of Crummock Water, I turned left up a narrow path through Lanthwaite Wood. At a junction I turned left again to continue uphill, climbing a couple of steep rocky staircases along the way

After leaving the woods via a deer gate I was soon at the top of the hill, admiring the views over Lorton Vale, Loweswater and Crummock Water, shown in good light today following a poor spell of weather. I then followed the easy path back down into Lanthwaite Wood, following a path which hugs the edge of the woods, giving good views across to Lanthwaite Green and Grasmoor. There are numerous criss-crosssing paths through the wood and it would be easy to go astray. Anyone following Andrew’s Walks is in no danger of getting lost if one simple rule is observed – keep the dry stone wall on your left

The path descends to the eastern shore of Crummock Water. The lake will undergo radical changes in the years to come. It is currently a reservoir but United Utilities plan to change it back to a natural lake and to remove the concrete infrastructure at its foot. This is to be welcomed in my opinion, though there will be a considerable period of disruption. Click here to read more about this

I followed the wide track leading through Lanthwaite Wood (an alternative route follows the bank of the River Cocker). This brought me back to the car park and the end of a wonderful short walk

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