Route: King’s How on Grange Fell
Area: Central Lake District
Date of walk: 4th September 2020
Walkers: Andrew
Distance: 3.5 miles
Ascent: 1,100 feet
Weather: Mixed cloud, sunshine and showers – some of them heavy
Grange How is a lowly fell but what it lacks in height it makes up for in beauty. It’s a superb craggy little fell with three separate widely scattered tops – Ether Knott, Brund Fell and today’s destination King’s How. I parked in the National Trust Bowderstone car park and from here followed a path which goes through ancient woodland, which is classified as temperate rainforest. The woodland path gradually curves around the steep crags above – a direct assault on the fell would be impossible for ordinary walkers
After walking through Cummacatta Wood I arrived at the steep (and sometimes slippery) rocky staircase which leads to Long Moss near the summit of the fell. From the summit there is a superb view over Derwent Water looking one way and Borrowdale looking the other. My arrival here coincided with a downpour, one of several
A direct descent from the summit is out of the question thanks to the crags on the west, so I followed a narrow path which snakes round the other side of the fell and which descends steeply, eventually ending at the Borrowdale road. I followed the road for a short distance – there’s a narrow footpath most of the way – then crossed over at the sign indicating the Bowderstone. I followed this path through the woods, past the massive Bowderstone and back to the car park. During the course of the walk I hadn’t seen another soul
For anyone following this walk, I’d mention that although the route is only 3.5 miles long, it is likely to take as much time as one twice its length. It’s best to set aside a full morning or afternoon. The terrain is rocky and complicated and there are very few sections where it’s possible to get into a proper stride. Walking poles are a very useful piece of kit to bring along
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The start of the walk as I pass through the gate to enter into the ancient woodland - the last surviving fragments of a huge forest that once stretched all the way down the west coast of Britain and Ireland

The River Derwent again - it's easy to miss the path, which descends to the right before the gap in the wall