Route: The High Stile Range
Area: Western Lake District
Date of walk: 9th August 2018
Walkers: Andrew
Distance: 8.5 miles
Ascent: 2,800 feet
Weather: Sunny, with good visibility and a cool breeze on the tops
The High Stile Range is one of the classic lakeland walks, visiting the 3 high fells which tower over the western shore of Buttermere – Red Pike, High Stile and High Crag in order of appearance
It was a glorious morning as I parked in the National Trust car park outside Buttermere village and walked past the foot of the lake, leaving the lakeshore path to start the climb up to Red Pike. A rocky staircase took me much of the way but after reaching Bleaberry Tarn the going got tougher and the final pull to the summit of Red Pike was quite hard – very steep and loose underfoot. Just below the summit there’s a particularly steep section up a narrow gully where hands on rock were needed. Anyone emerging from this gully is likely to have their fingers stained red, not with blood, but from the syenite in the rock and subsoil on Red Pike (hence the name)
The views from Red Pike were fantastic and after admiring them for a while I started the walk along the ridge, visiting the highest point High Stile at 2,644 feet and then High Crag
Next came the very steep and knee-jarring descent down Gamlin End, which is seemingly never ending. This has been made easier lower down by the addition of a well pitched rock path. Just before Seat I took a path off to the left (which is easily missed), and this provides a shortcut down to Scarth Gap Pass, which in turn leads down to the shore of Buttermere. I followed the lakeshore path through Burtness Wood and back to the start of a fantastic walk – one of lakeland’s finest – which was seen at its best in today’s conditions
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On the way to Buttermere, a roadside photo across Crummock Water looking towards today's objective - the High Stile Range. Red Pike is first on the list, to the right of the picture

After leaving the National Trust car park at Long How I pass by Cragg House Farm Cottages, with High Stile in the background

The old bridge over Buttermere Dubs collapsed a few weeks ago when the main beam failed. The bridge has been rebuilt elsewhere using the same materials and will be deposited back on the site in its entirety. I cross the temporary bridge

Crummock Water, a glimpse of Loweswater on the left, and the Solway Firth and Scotland in the distance

Buttermere village below. Knott Rigg and Ard Crags, the subject of yesterday's walk, are in the centre of the photo