Route: Guarda to Ftan
Area: Switzerland
Date of walk: 17th January 2019
Walkers: Andrew and Gilly
Distance: 7.7 miles
Ascent: 1,000 feet
Weather: Sunshine and blue skies
For the second day running we awoke to sun and blue skies. Some of the mountain paths were still closed following very heavy snow – the heaviest in the area for 20 years. After checking that our proposed route was open we set off from our hotel in Guarda, the excellent Hotel Meisser, and followed a path directly beside the hotel heading east along the valley. From the outset the views ahead were superb, and this remained the case for the remainder of the walk
We joined the road briefly (not an issue as there was no traffic save for the postlady) and walked through the small village of Bos-cha. Just beyond the village we turned off to follow a footpath which climbed gently up to Munt, a small settlement of 3 or 4 houses
We continued along the valley, where it was a thrill to spot a bearded vulture, otherwise known as lammergeier or ossifrage, and one of Europe’s rarest birds. What’s more, I managed to get the long lens out of my rucksack in time to grab some photos of this magnificent bird of prey.
A short while after this sighting Ardez came into sight in the distance, marking the approximate half way point of the walk. Up to this point, and after walking for nearly two hours, we hadn’t seen another soul. It is possible to descend into Ardez, but this would have meant a re-ascent back to the path, so we continued above the village enjoying the views down into it
Beyond Ardez we walked through some woodland towards a gully, at which point the path joined the road to Ftan. Again this was no issue as there was scarcely any traffic. There is a path to Ftan further along the road, but it’s a summer path only and so we continued to follow the road into the attractive village. We didn’t have time to wander around, as the bus to Scuol was waiting in the village square. We quickly hopped on the bus and then caught the train back to Guarda to end another fantastic walk
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It's always good to start a walk from base, and on another glorious morning we set out from the Hotel Meisser

Looking along the valley in our direction of travel with L to R: Piz S-chalambert Dadaint, Piz Ajuz, Piz Lischana (mid-picture), Piz San Jon, and Piz Pisoc, all of them around 3,000 metres high

We probably could have descended and re-ascended to Bos-cha, but it seemed easier to follow the contour line

Gilly admires the view along the valley, including L to R: Piz Ajuz, Piz Lischana, Piz San Jon, and Piz Pisoc (in the clouds)

...a rare bearded vulture, or lammergeier, which we mistook for a golden eagle at first. It was thought that these birds killed lambs and even children and they were persecuted to the point where they ceased to exist in the Alps. 20 breeding pairs were reintroduced, and it appears that this has been a success, though these are still rare birds

Luckily I had a medium telephoto lens in my rucksack, and after some hasty fumbling managed to get some photos - the beard is clearly visible in the top left photo. The birds are not flesh eaters, and their diet consists of bones, which they drop from a height if too large to digest at first