Route: Columbia Road Flower Market
Area: East London
Date of walk: 15th February 2015
Walkers: Andrew and Gilly
Distance: 1 mile
Weather: Mostly overcast
It’s stretching things to define this as ‘a walk’ as the only walking involved was up and down Columbia Road, but a visit to the Flower Market there is such a worthwhile objective that I’ve included it in this site
We were staying near Kings Cross and from one of the nearby docking stations we hired a couple of ‘Boris bikes’ – a great way to get around London, especially on a Sunday when the traffic is lighter
It took us about 30 minutes to reach Columbia Road Flower Market which is open on Sundays from 8am. Although we arrived quite early the place was busy. There was a wonderful selection of flowers and foliage of every imaginable type and we had a great time admiring the displays, and listening to the amusing sales patter of the flower sellers
After an enjoyable hour or so at the market we hired another couple of bikes and carried on riding round London, visiting the Landscape Photographer of the Year exhibition and meeting up with our nephew Tom in the process. We cycled about 8 miles in all, before returning to the start to catch our train home. What a great day it had been
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It was fun listening to the sales patter - “Orchids, only a fiver, cheap enough for your worst enemy - or your mother in law”

Another fix of lakeland - this one is our local lake Crummock Water by Colin Bell - and we feel revived