Route: Lanthwaite to Braithwaite via Coledale Hause
Area: North Western Lake District
Date of walk: 10th May 2014
Walkers: Andrew
Distance: 6.2 miles
Weather: mostly drizzle and rain, a few dry spells
The Mountain Weather Information Service predicted a 10% chance of cloud free summits today – not good odds – so I hedged my bets and decided to walk up to Coledale Hause, a good launch pad for the higher fells but if they were in cloud I could give them a miss and simply walk down the other side of the Hause. Either way, I would be walking across a mountain range from one valley to another, an exciting prospect
Gilly dropped me off at Lanthwaite Green in order to make this linear walk possible. I climbed up Gasgale Gill and found a couple of the early sections quite tricky, where the path had been washed away and hands were needed at times to make progress
Once I reached Coledale Hause it was decision time – should I climb up to Grisedale Pike and down from there, or simply descend along Coledale Beck? A glance at the surrounding murk made me decide on the latter, so I made the easy but long descent down Coledale and back into Braithwaite, where Gilly’s Taxis were waiting for me. What excellent service
The photos that follow reflect the rather gloomy weather, sorry to say
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The crossroads that is Coledale Hause and here I decide it’s pointless to go any higher and that I’ll descend into Coledale

Force Crag Mine, now a Scheduled Monument and a Site of Special Scientific Interest, owned by the National Trust